• Friday, March 19, 2021 3:55 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)
    West Warwick, RI—The Institute of Museum and Library Services announced today that West Warwick Public Library is among 30 finalists for the 2021 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. West Warwick Public Library is the only institution in Rhode Island to be selected as a finalist for this award, and the first library in the state to be so recognized by IMLS since Providence Public Library in 2001.

    "The revival and reinstitution of the National Medals by IMLS is another signal of recovery and renewal in the nation’s very challenging—but very hopeful—times,” said IMLS Director Crosby Kemper. “We are celebrating not only the ongoing excellence of the best of our museums and libraries, but their extraordinary efforts through the pandemic, the recession, the racial justice protests, and national divisions to serve, heal, and bring together our communities. Congratulations to all 30 finalists."

    The National Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries that demonstrate significant impact in their communities. For more than 25 years, the award has honored institutions that demonstrate excellence in service to their communities.

    “Like many towns across the country, West Warwick - once a center of manufacturing in the state - has had to face up to the economic and social challenges of the more recent past.” said Library Director Colin McCullough. “Yet our diverse population remains vibrant and optimistic for the future, an attitude buoyed up by the West Warwick Public Library. Our patrons’ needs might be informational, educational or – given the last twelve months – simply fun and entertainment, but each request is met with the same care and consideration by a dedicated staff. This recognition on the part of IMLS is a well-deserved tribute to their creativity, commitment to inclusivity, and sense of community.”

    To celebrate this honor, IMLS is encouraging West Warwick Public Library’s community members to share stories, memories, pictures, and videos on social media as part of the Share Your Story campaign, using the #IMLSmedals hashtag, and engage with IMLS on Facebook and Twitter. For more information, please visit the IMLS website.

    National Medal winners will be announced in late spring. Representatives from winning institutions will be honored for their extraordinary contributions during a virtual National Medal Ceremony this summer.

    To see the full list of finalists and learn more about the National Medal, visit the IMLS website.

    About the Institute of Museum and Library Services
    The Institute of Museum and Library Services is the primary source of federal support for the nation's libraries and museums. We advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development. Our vision is a nation where museums and libraries work together to transform the lives of individuals and communities. To learn more, visit www.imls.gov and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

    # # #
  • Wednesday, March 10, 2021 1:20 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    In February 2021, 21 librarians from state, public, and academic libraries across Rhode Island participated in a 5-week professional development training on how to facilitate learning circles. This opportunity was offered through the Rhode Island Library Association (RILA) in partnership with Peer to Peer University (P2PU). It was made possible by a donation from EBSCO Industries, Inc., in coordination with the RI Office of Library & Information Services, and supported by staff from the Providence Public Library. 

    RILA had two goals for offering this training: to introduce this model of peer-driven learning to Rhode Island libraries and to train facilitators who could then bring a special learning circle, titled How to Talk About Race, to library staff throughout Rhode Island.

    What is a learning circle?

    Learning circles are free, peer-led study groups where people can take an online class together, virtually or in person. P2PU offers hundreds of free, online courses covering a variety of topics and interests. Participants in the training learned how they could also adapt any freely available courses, from sources like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda), and others, to the learning circle format. 

    “Learning circles create valuable opportunities that not only increase engagement and retention in online courses, but (more importantly) also create accessible spaces for library patrons to increase their confidence in topics that are important to them in a supportive environment,” says Grif Peterson, Executive Director of P2PU.

    “Learning Circles meet the mission of public libraries head-on!” says Joyce May, Acting Director​ of East Providence Public Library. “Both value community and shared experiences. Both create exciting opportunities for lifelong learning and, most importantly, both value the integrity of each and every patron and participant.”

    Because learning circles use a peer-driven learning model, the person in the facilitator role does not need to be an expert in the material being presented. They are simply there to keep time, move the agenda along, and to learn along with the rest of the group.

    I really appreciated the emphasis on the meeting facilitator not needing to have all the answers” says State Librarian Megan Hamlin-Black. “I think, so often, whoever is steering the meeting feels like they need to be the expert, but that mentality or framework leaves out room for personal growth.”

    Learning about learning circles…in a learning circle.

    Participants met via Zoom for 5 weeks, for 90 minutes each week, to learn about learning circles and experience what they are like by participating in one themselves. The participants met in two groups, led by Beatrice Pulliam and Sherry Lehane of the Providence Public Library and Grif Peterson and Qumisha Goss of P2PU.

    Each week, participants were engaged using a blend of video, text, and large- and small-group discussions to explore how learning circles are designed; how to select, organize, and facilitate a course; and how to hold productive conversations around sensitive topics.

    Julie Holden, Assistant Director of Cranston Public Library, said the learning experience was “delightfully different. I very much enjoyed learning in this group setting instead of being lectured to. There was time for verbal participation and time for non-verbal participation using a shared document, plus individual work time; the whole experience was the closest to a classroom experience that I've ever had on Zoom. I never felt Zoom fatigued.”

    “The format of the Learning Circle, with check-ins, breakout groups, and time for reflection, helped all of us to feel more comfortable with one another, which led to some great discussion!” says Gretchen Sotomayor, Special Programs and Instruction Librarian at Salve Regina University’s McKillop Library. “Another benefit to the Learning Circle structure is that it does not require advance preparation. Instead, participants review materials together, and then discuss the issue. [How to Talk About Race, the subject of RILA’s upcoming learning circles] is not an easy topic to facilitate, and the session on ‘difficult discussions’ provided guidance on how to navigate ‘moving toward conflict’ and being okay with silence in a group.”

    Because learning circles use a peer-learning model, participants are encouraged to take responsibility for their own grasp of the material and look to themselves and their fellow learners for insight. Everyone is a student, and everyone is a teacher.

    “I appreciated the evolution of the training experience,” says Meredith Bonds-Harmon,
    Head of Reference at East Providence Public Library. “We all seemed to move from awkward and confused to more confident, connected, and assured, or at least I did! As an adult, learning a new skill is not an everyday event. So it did stretch me, and I really appreciated how our facilitators did not try to soothe discomfort but instead move along with us, at our pace.”

    Experience a learning circle yourself, and explore how to tackle a tough subject with your peers and patrons. 

    Our newly trained learning circle facilitators will put what they’ve learned into practice by leading learning circles of their own on the topic of How to Talk About Race

    The How to Talk About Race learning circle was developed as an in-person workshop by Amrita S. Patel and Denise LaForce, former colleagues at Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in North Carolina. They brought the workshop to P2PU because they trusted the learning circle model to responsibly convey their expertise to new communities around the country. Amrita further adapted the course based on feedback from RILA. 

    “To hear new communities are adapting the content is exciting and exactly what Denise and I hoped for when we adapted ‘How to Talk About Race’ to a Learning Circle”, says Amrita. “Conversations about race can be deeply polarizing, but it can be empowering when you have the resources to navigate them respectfully, confidently, and comfortably.”

    “I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of introducing this learning circle topic to the Rhode Island library community,” says Colleen Wolf, Reference Librarian and Technology Instructor at Warwick Public Library. “I am excited about learning alongside my colleagues while we engage in important and perhaps difficult conversations.”

    All Rhode Island library staff are invited to participate in one of these free, 5-week learning circles beginning the week of March 29th. There are a variety of days and times available to accommodate your schedule.

    Click here to learn more and to register: https://www.p2pu.org/rila/

  • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 12:39 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    The legislative session at the State House is in full swing. In January, the RILA Executive Board approved the 2021 Legislative Priorities as presented by the RILA Legislative Action Committee. 

    State Aid to Libraries

    In recognition of the importance of public libraries in our society, the Rhode Island General Assembly passed legislation providing for state aid for public library services. Rhode Island law (RIGL §29-6-2) establishes state aid for the support of local public library services to be equal to at least 25% of the amount appropriated and expended by the city or town from local tax revenues or funds from the public library's private endowment two years prior. RILA typically advocates to the General Assembly to fully fund state aid to Rhode Island’s public libraries at 25%. Due to financial constraints brought about by the pandemic, RILA supports level funding of state aid to libraries for FY2022.

    Net Neutrality

    The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC’s) December 2017 “Restoring Internet Freedom Order” grants internet service providers (ISPs) unmitigated freedom to violate net neutrality principles, while severely infringing upon Americans’ right to fair internet access and endangering the innovation economy. The internet is essential for people to have a voice in the political process and to access the viewpoints of others. Publicly supported institutions, such as libraries, universities, and K-12 schools, provide their community members with equal access to the internet. Limiting access means users’ rights to participate in democracy is diminished and the foundation of our nation’s democracy is undermined. RILA has supported legislation supporting net neutrality in 2018, 2019, and 2020. RILA supports H5054, which calls for any ISP doing business with the state of Rhode Island to adhere to net neutrality principles.

    Funding for AskRI

    The State of Rhode Island provides Rhode Islanders, young and old, with online access to research databases, business resources, language learning tools, and encyclopedias through AskRI.org, created and funded by the Statewide Reference Resource Center grant (RIGL §29-6-9). In 2017, state budget constraints required that the grant be reduced by $300,000, nearly one-third of the total allocated. Consequently, statewide access to online homework help (via the Tutor.com service) for students was eliminated. Several public libraries purchased subscriptions to Tutor.com after state funding was lost, further straining municipal budgets. The only genealogy research database available statewide was also lost due to these budget constraints. Restoration of these funds could be used to make critical digital content available to library users during the pandemic.

    Importance of School Librarians

    School librarians contribute to improved student achievement. More than 60 studies across the country have shown a correlation between professionally staffed school libraries and higher student achievement. Certified school librarians select technology and resources that are aligned to the curriculum, help students select reading materials, and collaborate with teachers to create authentic learning experiences that challenge students to think, share, create, and grow. RILA has made significant progress working with School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI) and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) to approve the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for School Librarians statewide and supports continuing that work with a target of Fall 2021 for adoption. RILA also supports changes to the Rhode Island Basic Education Plan or legislation that would require certified school librarians in every school receiving education funding from the state of Rhode Island.

    Ebooks & Licenses

    Publishers have the ability to cut libraries out of the ebook marketplace simply by refusing to sell to them. This severely limits libraries’ ability to offer ebooks to patrons who rely on the library for literature and information. RILA supports the re-introduction of the 2020 bill (S2773) that requires any publisher who licenses electronic books and digital audiobooks to the general public (consumer) in Rhode Island to also offer such licenses to libraries in the state on comparable terms.


    The committee is also tracking H5148which calls for the creation of a Rhode Island Broadband Development Plan and a Rhode Island Broadband Council. Rhode Island is one of only two states that do not have a Broadband Coordinator or other entity coordinating broadband efforts and the only New England state without one. This bill was introduced last year without librarian representation on the Council and did not pass. This year, we worked with the sponsor to have a librarian as a member of the proposed Council. RILA supports this bill and will advocate for its passage. 

    We are also tracking bills focused on public records, open meetings, harassment in the workplace, and minimum wage increases. These bills, although not specifically about libraries, could impact library operations.

    For more information about RILA’s legislative work please visit: https://cqrcengage.com/alari/?0

    Ed Garcia

    Chair, Legislative Action Committee

  • Saturday, February 06, 2021 12:16 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Providence Public Library (PPL) and the Rhode Island Historical Society (RIHS) have announced that the first batch of Rhode Island’s historic newspapers digitized through a National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) grant are now freely available for researchers via the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America site. 

    In 2019, the two organizations were awarded a $250,000 NDNP grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Library of Congress to digitize historic newspapers and make them available via Chronicling America for the first time. The NDNP supports the creation of a national, digital resource of historically significant newspapers published between 1690 and 1963, from all states and U.S. territories. PPL and RIHS have committed to digitizing more than 50,000 pages of historic newspaper content by August 2021. 

    The project funds were awarded following a letter of support by Senator Jack Reed, who noted the RIHS’s remarkable historical collection of microfilm reels of 314 Rhode Island newspaper titles that ceased publication prior to 1923 but remained unavailable for research. The grant funding will enable PPL, in partnership with the RIHS, to complete a full inventory of master microfilm reels, digitize at least 100,000 pages, and market and promote these digital resources to the broader community.

    While additional titles will become available as the project is ongoing, this first batch includes almost 9,000 pages from: 

    • Herald of the Times (1830-1856)

    • Literary Cadet and Rhode-Island Statesman; Literary Cadet and Saturday Evening Bulletin (1826-1829)

    • The Literary Echo; The Literary Echo & Pawcatuck Advertiser; Westerly Echo & Pawcatuck Advertiser (1851-1858)

    • Newport Gazette (1777-1779)

    • The Northern Star; The Northern Star and Warren and Bristol Gazette;  The Northern Star and Constitutionalist; Northern Star, Farmer & Mechanics Advocate; Rhode Island Constitutionalist (1826-1855)

    • The Pioneer Woman’s Advocate (1852-1853)

    The addition of the Newport Gazette brings the earliest published newspaper to be included in Chronicling America to date. The paper was published by British forces occupying Newport using the printing press of Solomon Southwick. Southwick was the printer of the pro-Revolutionary Newport Mercury and had buried his press in an effort to keep it out of enemy hands. Despite his efforts, British forces found and dug up the press and used it to print their own paper. 

    In addition, the first batch includes other titles of interest, such as The Pioneer Woman’s Advocate, published by Miss Anna Spence in Providence and which advocated for suffrage and women’s rights during the 1850s; The Literary Echo & Pawcatuck Advertiser published in the southern coastal community of Westerly and covering parts of southeasten Connecticut; and The Northern Star and Warren and Bristol Gazette out of the port town of Warren in the early 19th Century as it transformed from an economy built on the Atlantic Slave Trade. Prior to this award, many of these newspapers were only available on microfilm at the RIHS and required researchers to use them in person. Now available online, they are open electronically to researchers across the world and in context with other papers from across the country. 

    “The newspapers we’re digitizing are among the most valuable resources available for researchers, scholars, and anyone curious about history,” said Jordan Goffin, Head Curator of Collections at PPL. “We’re very excited that we can finally bring them to the public free of charge, as well as for another opportunity to collaborate with our colleagues at the Rhode Island Historical Society.”

    “Our delight in this project cannot be overstated. It is the culmination of an effort to make these newspapers accessible since the 1950s, when the RIHS began microfilming them. This is one of the purest ways in which we fulfill our mission to share Rhode Island's past.” said Richard J. Ring, Deputy Executive Director for Collections and Interpretation at RIHS. “We are off to a promising start in this partnership with Providence Public Library and truly appreciative of the support of the Library of Congress.”

  • Saturday, February 06, 2021 11:09 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Looking for a way to spread cheer during the holiday season, the East Providence Public Library staff joyfully hit the road to sing carols in the community. The year had been challenging for so many. Patrons missed coming to programs at the library and the staff missed their patrons. Spreading some good, old-fashioned holiday cheer seemed like a sweet and simple way to bring the library out into the community.

    A group of library employees (and some of their family members) volunteered their time to sing during one afternoon and one evening in the week before Christmas. Two weeks before, Public Services Librarian Michelle Perry posted a flyer and sign-up sheet to the library’s Facebook page and the response was immediate. Patrons were delighted, grateful, and excited for this event. Some scheduled visits for elderly and homebound relatives. Another wanted to put a smile on the face of a loved one battling cancer. And still another asked if the staff would sing outdoors at a nursing home. On the first day, the carolers made their last stop at the mayor’s home. The mayor was so thrilled that he did a live Facebook video of the carolers and introduced each library staff person to his audience. His video, which was also posted to the City of East Providence’s Facebook page, has since had close to 6,000 views and generated over 50 comments. 

    Calling themselves the Lyrical Librarians, staff visited 15 households scheduling visits 15 to 30 minutes apart. Michelle planned the stops, organizing them geographically from one end of the city to another. Each caroler received a list and a map to download to their phone as well as lyrics to 10 or so carols. Given the cold (and their voices), the singers quickly learned it best to stick to the same four or five songs. Due to the pandemic, each masked staff member traveled separately so parking could be tricky on smaller streets. The evening event also made it difficult to see, but Michelle provided the carolers with battery-lit Christmas necklaces and headbands and Santa hats, and she came dressed as a Christmas tree! 

    At one of the stops, neighbors walking their dogs stopped to listen and began to sing along. Other neighbors came out to their porches and joined the physically distanced fun. In times of such uncertainty, it was wonderful to see people singing and dancing and safely enjoying the moment. Library staff with the tag line "we don't claim to sound good, but we guarantee fun!” made it happen, and, for that, both patrons and staff shared very special holiday memories. A new tradition begins.

  • Monday, January 04, 2021 1:34 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    RILA is partnering with Peer 2 Peer University to offer free facilitation training for Learning Circles—peer-led learning groups—and you are invited to join!

    For more information on this initiative and to apply, please fill out this application. Applications are due by January 8, 2021. 

    In this virtual 5-part professional development training, experienced facilitators will share how to organize and support Learning Circles in your library, teach you how to hold productive conversations around sensitive topics, then support you as you run your first Learning Circle for library staff across Rhode Island based on the course How to Talk About Race.  Best of all, you do not need to be an expert on any particular topic to be a facilitator.  

     The facilitator training is 5 weeks (One 90 minute session each week) and will take place the weeks of January 18 - February 15, 2021.

    How To Talk About Race is a 4 week course and will be offered to the RI library community in April & May, 2021. Dates to be determined.  

    Learning facilitation skills is a great opportunity and member benefit for those RILA members who are looking to gain a professional edge.  And, after you are trained, you can run Learning Circles in your library for your clientele. Many libraries are using the Learning Circle method (see past Los Angeles Public Library Learning Circles here).

    For more information on this initiative and to apply, please fill out this application. Applications are due by January 8, 2021.  


    Learn more about learning circles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtGir9xG7Pw&ab_channel=P2PU


    What does a learning circle look like?

    Tips for New Facilitators


    Why are learning circles needed?

    Intro to P2PU and learning circles

  • Wednesday, December 09, 2020 4:14 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    On Wednesday, November 18th, members of the Library of Rhode Island (LORI) Resource Sharing Working Group (RSWG), in collaboration with the state library agencies of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, presented "Sharing Visions: 2020 New England Resource Sharing Conference." The day-long virtual event was hosted on Warwick Public Library’s Zoom platform. Portions of the Conference were funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library (CSL).

    Just over 200 unique logins were recorded, with peak attendance during the event reaching 155 simultaneous viewers. Registrations came in from 29 states, from as far west as California and Washington, as far south as Louisiana and Alabama, and from many places in between. One international attendee represented Mount Royal University Library in the Canadian city of Calgary. Almost half of the audience was composed of academic library staff, though all library types, consortium and state library agency staff, trustees, and vendors were also represented.

    After a brief welcome by Conference host Zach Berger, Chair of the LORI RSWG, opening remarks were made by Karen Mellor, Chief of Library Services for the State of Rhode Island, and James Lonergan, Director of the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC).

    Keynote Speaker Trevor A. Dawes, Vice Provost for Libraries and Museums and the May Morris University Librarian at the University of Delaware, began his presentation with a moving reminder that the University was established on land recognized “as the traditional home of the Lenni-Lenape and Nanticoke tribal nations.” Dawes “express[ed] gratitude to the original caretakers of this land,” and encouraged Conference viewers to learn more about and build relationships with the Indigenous people in their own communities. 

    Dawes extended this powerful tribute by acknowledging the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement and requested a moment of silence to recognize the many Black and Brown lives lost to structural and systemic racism. 

    From this social and historical context, Dawes’ ensuing talk about the need for libraries to adapt to change, especially in the midst of a pandemic, was especially timely and touched upon many factors—including technology, workflow, organizational structure, anti-racism outreach, and leadership—that can contribute to the development of more effective and inclusive resource sharing models. Immediately following the keynote presentation, Berger interviewed Dawes, who also took questions from the audience.

    Session 1 presenter Nettie Lagace, Associate Executive Director of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), gave a talk on “Standards as Frameworks for Connection and Collaboration,” in which she presented an overview of what NISO is, the scope of its work, its organizational partners, and how its staff develops and adopts standards. Lagace included information about the many NISO Working Groups, including current projects to recommend practices for improving delivery of and access to digital content.

    The second session featured Brad Bullis and Gail Hurley of CSL co-presenting with Amy Terlaga of Bibliomation on the use of FulfILLment open source software for interlibrary loan requests. The presenters explained the need for a transition to the new software, recent and future enhancements to interlibrary loan processes, and the impact of the pandemic on lending and borrowing in Connecticut.

    Multiple panelists joined the Conference for Session 3, entitled “Project ReShare: A Community-Owned Resource Sharing System.” Sebastian Hammer and Kristen Wilson of Index Data co-presented with Jill Morris of the Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium (PALCI) to talk about the “community of libraries, consortia, and companies that came together in 2018 to create a new resource sharing platform” called Project ReShare that is “co-owned and managed by its community of users and based on open standards and open technologies.” With a focus on the need for innovative development of resource sharing systems that meet patron expectations while factoring in issues of pricing, market consolidation, and library transformations, the panel discussed the Project ReShare model in depth and provided an inside look at the software interface. Hammer provided a first peek at ReShare's plans for a Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) module that would serve as a bridge between libraries' physical and electronic collections by managing digitized copies of print materials.

    Session 4, entitled “Expanding Patron Identity: Issues, Options, and Opportunities,” was presented by Daniel “Dazza” Greenwood, a researcher at MIT Media Lab and Lecturer at Connection Science in the MIT School of Engineering. Greenwood, who is also the founder of CIVICS.com, spoke about the role of libraries as trusted civic institutions and the need to lower barriers to patron access through the creation of a civic identity that would simultaneously provide privacy protection. 

    The final session of the day was a multi-part look at the challenges of delivery sustainability by staff members of three New England state library agencies: Chaichin Chen from the Rhode Island Office of Library and information Services (OLIS); Dawn La Valle from CSL; and Janet McKenney from the Maine State Library (MSL). Each state’s funding and governance model, interlibrary loan volume, delivery logistics, and other factors were reviewed, and innovative approaches such as cost sharing, cooperative solutions, floating collections, and alternatives to delivery were discussed.

    The day’s closing remarks were made by Maureen Sullivan, Interim State Librarian at CSL, and Berger.

    The Sharing Visions Planning Committee, comprising Berger, Chen, La Valle, Scott Kehoe (Massachusetts Library System), Paul Kissman (MBLC), and Jana Stevenson (Director of Warwick Public Library), expressed great satisfaction with Conference turnout, speaker presentations, and overall logistics. “When we had to pivot because of the pandemic from an on-site venue [originally scheduled to occur at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts] to a virtual one, we were initially overwhelmed by the prospect of managing such a large event across an entire day of sessions,” Berger said. “But things came together beautifully, and everyone involved seemed to get a lot of value from participating.”

    Chen added, “The biggest takeaway for me is that we are better and stronger together. Conference attendance is a testament to librarians’ hunger for a high-level resource sharing program.”

    Previous coverage of the Sharing Visions Conference was published in the October 2020 issue of the RILA Bulletin. Presenter resources and session recordings will be shared via the Conference website.

  • Saturday, December 05, 2020 11:08 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Cornucopia of Rhode Island (CORI): A Library Community of Color and Section of the Rhode Island Library Association, presented its annual fall mini conference, "A Look Back As We Move Forward." on November 4, 2020 via Zoom. Over 60 librarians, library directors, and library staff throughout the Northeast registered for the 2-hour conference.

    Tracie D. Hall, Executive Director, ALATracie D. Hall, Executive Director, American Library Association (image right) was the featured speaker. Tracie suggested that Rhode Island library directors to be creative and financially support library students of color as they pursue their Master’s degree, as the University of Rhode Island no longer has a grant for the Prism Program. Tracie discussed in detail Race, Redlining and Resistance: Libraries Making of the Next Civil Rights Movement. She stated that as librarians we could have a passive or proactive attitude toward red lining, as she highlighted today’s information poverty with various examples. Ms. Hall stated that she believes “information access is a public health issue” and that library services must exist beyond library buildings. Tracie was passionate about universal broadband and the privileged majority, indicating that this is a case of urgency.

    Keith Stokes, Vice President of the 1696 Heritage Group, moderated the conference.  Mr. Stokes is a lecturer with expertise in early African and Jewish American history and frequently appears on national historical programs.  

    Karen Mellor, Chief of Library Services for Rhode Island's Office of Library & Information Services, acknowledged the many contributions of Cornucopia to the RI library community as she welcomed Tracie to Rhode Island.

    CORI would like to thank everyone who attended this year’s annual fall mini conference during these challenging days. A special thank you to Julie Holden, President of RILA, and Dymond Bush, 2020-2021 American Library Association Spectrum Scholar, for their assistance and technical skills.

    For additional information about CORI, visit their blog: http://cornucopiaofri.blogspot.com/

  • Saturday, December 05, 2020 10:50 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Thanks to funding from the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS), several public librarians from around the state recently attended a 4-week online course called "Creating Virtual Programs for Adults." The class was facilitated by nonprofit consortium Infopeople and was taught by Janie Hermann, the Public Programming Librarian at the Princeton (New Jersey) Public Library. Hermann is also the Chair of the American Library Association’s Programming Librarian Interest Group.

    Rhode Island library staff who completed the course were Zach Berger of Cranston, Melissa Chiavaroli of Cumberland, Britta Obertello of South Kingstown, Kyera Shea of Rogers Free Library, and Lee Smith of Mount Pleasant. 

    The above participants joined library staff from all over the country in synchronous meetings during the first and third weeks of the course to discuss an overview of virtual programming and how to host and market online programs, respectively. During the second week, participants worked asynchronously to explore a variety of digital delivery platforms. The final week was devoted to learning how to evaluate the success of online library offerings.

    To earn credit for course completion, participants attended the two synchronous class meetings, completed assigned activities, and interacted with fellow students in online discussion forums. Activities included brainstorming new program ideas, matching ideas with the best virtual platform, applying marketing strategies, developing a program planning worksheet, and designing program evaluations. Students also were assigned various videos to watch and articles to read.

    Hermann, whose own library held 275 virtual adult programs from March through the end of August, brought a wealth of experience to her role as instructor. She stressed the importance of using data to tell stories about library programming and emphasized how crucial it is to measure both quantitative and qualitative elements when evaluating a program’s success.

    The course was a valuable experience for the Rhode Island participants, all of whom are working on implementing what they’ve learned. The group shared highlights of their newly acquired knowledge during an OLIS Continuing Education (CE) Adult Services Roundtable session on November 12. A recording of the discussion can be viewed using this passcode: 4.r?LL75

    Nicolette Baffoni, the OLIS Learning & Community Engagement Coordinator, served as liaison between the Rhode Island attendees and the Infopeople consortium and acknowledged that “this has been a disruptive and difficult time” for libraries to offer ongoing programming during a pandemic. The timing of the course offering was fortuitous. “The OLIS CE team has been looking for ways to offer more in-depth learning opportunities for librarians and library staff based on feedback we’ve gotten from the RI library community,” Baffoni said. “In the end, attendees of both the course and the follow-up session were able to get some new ideas, access high-quality resources, and hopefully build a bit of confidence in this new, now necessary, way of offering programs. I hope this is a model OLIS will be able to continue exploring, as it was a win all around.”

  • Saturday, December 05, 2020 10:08 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    by Monica Brennan, MLIS
    Head of Youth Services at Westerly Library and Wilcox Park

    If you are anything like me, your 2020 Thanksgiving Day started with the Red Titan Macy’s Day balloon capturing your heart. Perhaps, unlike many of you, though, I am a devoted, old-school Red Titan super fan! I am also a super fan of Ryan, the nine-year-old, multi-millionaire YouTube toy influencer who inspired the creation of Red Titan. Of course, you probably know what I am going to write next: Ryan and his superhero doppelganger, Red Titan, have over 40 billion views on YouTube! WOW!

    The Westerly Library and Wilcox Park YouTube channel has yet to hit 40 billion views, but here are three reasons why YouTube matters to Westerly Library and Wilcox Park:

    1. Our patrons have viewed our 100+ YouTube programs over 4,000 times. Based on our community surveys during the pandemic, our patrons wanted engaging content and programs that they could view on their time. YouTube met this goal.
    2. Our community partners, including emergency responders, government officials, educators, faith leaders, trustees, friends of the library, library staff, and library volunteers, have all collaborated on creating compelling, fun, and informational programming content for our community. YouTube empowered our community’s voice.
    3. Our YouTube content has inspired our community to be more mindful, to create beautiful crafts, to learn new professional skills, to imagine new ways to communicate, and to engage with literature and nature in new and unconventional ways. YouTube has spread positivity and hope in a dark, lonely, and challenging time.

    Every single one of our YouTube videos tells its own wonderful and creative story. However proud I am of these YouTube videos, I am exponentially more proud of my staff and coworkers’ thoughtful, collaborative work that has made these videos possible! The staff at Westerly Library and Wilcox Park have come together to create YouTube content to meet our community’s unique wants and needs. The YouTube platform has enabled us to fulfill our association’s mission and vision statements, listed below, throughout this exhausting pandemic.

    Mission: The mission of the Memorial and Library Association is to strengthen community and enrich lives by stimulating intellect and sparking imagination through access to literature, information, technology, nature, and the arts.

    Vision: Westerly Library and Wilcox Park strives to be a premier intellectual, cultural, and botanical asset for the region.

    Perhaps the Westerly Library and Wilcox Park YouTube will never reach Ryan and Red Titan’s 40 billion views, but it has already delighted, inspired, and engaged thousands within our community! So, during this time of thanksgiving, we are grateful to have YouTube to marry our staff’s creative talents with the power of the internet.

    Spotlighted below are some of our favorite Westerly Library and Wilcox Park YouTube videos:

"Rhode Island Library Association" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Rhode Island Library Association, P.O. Box 6765, Providence, RI 02940

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