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  • Monday, July 06, 2015 9:39 AM | Anonymous

    The Rhode Island Children's Book Award Committee is seeking a RILA member to serve a three-year term as a RILA representative on the committee. This group meets monthly from September through April to discuss current children's literature and select nominations for the Rhode Island Children's Book Award. Serving as a committee member is a great way to keep up with the latest in children's literature. It does require a significant time commitment as all members are expected to read between six and ten children's chapter books per month. If you are interested please contact OLIS Youth Services Coordinator, Danielle Margarida at Danielle.Margarida@olis.ri.gov.

  • Monday, June 08, 2015 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    NEWPORT, R.I. – The Rhode Island Library Association announced the winners of this year’s awards of recognition for those serving the patrons of libraries of Rhode Island at the association’s conference at Salve Regina University.

    This year’s Outstanding Librarian Award was given to Julie DeCesare.  DeCesare is an Assistant Professor and Commons Librarian, Head of Education & Research at Providence College's Phillips Memorial Library, where I currently coordinate instructional and educational opportunities between the library, campus community, and beyond.  As a Member at Large for RILA since 2011, she’s been a co-coordinator Money Smart Week - RI.  When looking at her role in the profession, DeCesare said, “I am committed to Information and Financial Literacy initiatives, as well as positive outreach and awareness of library services on a statewide level.”

    The Trustee of the Year Award was shared by Nancy Chaput of the Cumberland Public Library and Mary Elizabeth “Betsy” Mercer of the Ashaway Free Library.   

    Chaput has been a trustee at the Cumberland Public Library since 2007, serving as the board’s chair for the past four years.  She has also been a Friend of the library for over 15 years, serving as president for most of that time.  She also serves on the library’s Cumberland Library  Fund, a non-profit group that started as a capital building campaign committee and evolved into overseeing the lirbary’s endowments. 

    Mercer has served on Ashaway Free Library’s board of trustees for over 25 years.  She is the resident historian for the library and the community whil also playing roles in helping to make sure the library gets the funds it needs while serving on the board’s physicial plant, development, and community relations committees.  She has also served as the board’s secretary and chair.

    Also during the Business Meeting at the conference, the membership elected a new Executive Board.  The following is the result:

    • President: Aaron Coutu (2015-2017), Cumberland Public Library
    • Vice President/President-Elect: Julie A. DeCesare (2015-2017), Providence College
    • Past President: Jenifer Bond(2015-2017), Bryant University
    • Treasurer: Brigitte Hopkins (2015-2017), Westerly Library & Wilcox Park
    • Secretary: Kieran Ayton (2015-2017), Rhode Island College
    • ALA Councilor: Jack Martin (2014-2016), Providence Public Library
    • Member-at-Large: Andrew Creamer (2015-2017), Brown University
    • Member-at-Large: Beth Ullucci (2015-2017), Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library
  • Tuesday, April 07, 2015 1:56 PM | Anonymous

    Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015
    Time:1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
    Location: William Hall Library, Cranston(link is external)

    RILA & OLIS invite financial literacy and library professionals from across the state to a networking & information sharing event that will officially launch Money Smart Week RI 2015. The event is a chance for librarians, representatives from community organizations, and state agencies to meet and discuss how we can work together to empower RI citizens of all ages to be “money smart” through financial education programming, outreach, and services.  The event also offers an opportunity to learn more about about various financial literacy resources. Speakers at the event include:

    • General Treasurer Seth Magaziner
    • Cranston Mayor Allan Fung
    •  individuals from the RI Library and Financial Literacy community

    Money Smart Week - RI 2015 takes place April 18-25 and currently has over 40 events scheduled(link is external) in libraries and community spaces throughout the state. Money Smart Week (MSW) is a national initiative from the Chicago Federal Reserveand the American Library Association that promotes financial literacy awareness.  Please join us to celebrate the beginning of the 4th annual MSW RI!   

    Registration required(link is external)– please RSVP by April 16.  Intended Audience: Money Smart Week programmers, Librarians and library staff, & the financial literacy community.

    Is your library planning a MSW-RI program or event?  Let RILA’s MSW co-chairs know!  Contact Chris Wallace Goldstein(cgoldstein@woonsocketlibrary.org(link sends e-mail)or Julie DeCesare (jdecesa1@providence.edu(link sends e-mail)).

  • Thursday, April 02, 2015 1:55 PM | Anonymous
    The annual RILA awards process provides the opportunity for special recognition of the accomplishments, service, and commitment of trustees, librarians, and others.  The RILA Executive Board encourages you to nominate a deserving colleague or associate for this year’s awards.
    This year’s nominations are due no later than May 9, 2014. Nomination letters should be emailed to RILA Awards Committee Chair and RILA Past President, Eileen Dyer, eadyer@gmail.com(link sends e-mail)
    Criteria for Trustee of the Year Award
    Any trustee of any library who has served on his/her board for at least three years is eligible for this award.  These are suggested guidelines, but by no means the only ones, upon which a nomination may be made:
    •    Nominee worked in a readily identifiable way to develop/improve library service to a community, or to a specific segment within the community.
    •    Nominee successfully lobbied for increased funding and/or resources for his/her library.
    •    Nominee fashioned a plan that successfully enhanced the library’s role in the community.
    •    Nominee was instrumental in networking with trustees of other libraries to foster cooperative planning or activities.
    Criteria for Outstanding Librarian Award
    This award honors the career accomplishments of a librarian who has demonstrated an outstanding record of service to both his/her library and to the library profession.  The nominee must be a member of the Rhode Island Library Association.  Guidelines for nomination include:
    •    Development of outstanding service in (a) field(s) of expertise, e.g. children’s, administrative, technical.
    •    Involvement in statewide library activities.
    •    Record of professional library leadership.
    •    Encouragement of community/institutional support for library.
    Criteria for Citation of Merit and or Meritorious Friends of the Library Award(s)
    This award is conferred upon citizens who are neither librarians nor library trustees who have made outstanding contributions to quality library service.  This award may be given to an individual or group.
    The RILA Executive Board will determine award recipients based on the letters of recommendation.  The Board reserves the right not to present these awards in any given year.
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:54 PM | Anonymous

    The application deadline has been extended to Monday, April 6.

    Offered every 2 years, The New England Library Leadership Symposium (NELLS) is jointly sponsored by the New England Library Association (NELA) and the six New England state library associations.  The purpose of the symposium is to foster the mentoring and development of members of the library community who are eager to grow leadership skills. This is a week-long summer academy and leadership retreat for early to mid-career librarians (3-15 years’ experience), paraprofessionals, Trustees and Friends of Libraries.  NELLS is a valuable experience for anyone working in or connected to the library field. 

    The Rhode Island Library Association and Office of Library & Information Services seeks applicants to represent Rhode Island at the 2015 NELLS session.  Individuals interested in this immersive professional development experience are encouraged to apply!  Attendees may be recommended by someone or may make their own application  Each applicant must be a current member of RILA or NELA to be eligible.  Deadline is April 6.  Selected attendees will be notified in late spring and this year’s session takes place in early August. 

    NELLS 2015
    August 3-7, 2015
    Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center
    North Andover, Massachusetts
    Facilitator: Maureen Sullivan, ALA Past President

    For more information and to download an application form: http://nelib.org/advance-your-career/nells/

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"Rhode Island Library Association" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Rhode Island Library Association, P.O. Box 6765, Providence, RI 02940

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