• Monday, May 20, 2019 10:42 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Have you shared a book with young people in your school, family or community that you would recommend to others? The Rhode Island Library and Information Network for Kids (RILINK) invites you to share that title with others in our online survey. Click on the image to participate!

  • Wednesday, May 15, 2019 11:44 AM | Anonymous

    When opportunity comes knocking, make sure you’re ready! The 2019 RILA Conference will offer resume review by professionals in the field who regularly hire staff and know what will get you the attention you desire when applying for jobs.


    Resume Review sessions will be held 3-4PM on Wednesday, May 22nd and 10:15-11:15AM on Thursday, May 23rd.

    Drop-ins are welcome, so bring your resume with you to the RILA Conference! If you’d like more in-depth, personalized resume advice, please email your resume to melissa@cumberlandlibrary.org for review prior to the conference.

    Even if you’re not actively job hunting, it’s always a good idea to keep your resume updated. Don’t miss this opportunity to give your resume a spring makeover with professionals from across the library and human resources field!

  • Monday, May 13, 2019 4:30 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    (Photo Credit Sarah Bouvier, CPL Library Communications Manager)

    On April 1, Cranston Public Library’s (CPL’s) Central branch was the gathering place for over 50 library colleagues and special guests for a “Conversation on the State of Our Libraries,” with U.S. Senator Jack Reed and Dr. Kathryn K. Matthew, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), as featured speakers. CPL Director Ed Garcia warmly welcomed guests and turned the podium over to Cranston Mayor Allan Fung, who gratefully acknowledged that Senator Reed has long been a champion of libraries.

    Senator Reed focused his remarks on the “new and improved” Museum and Library Services Act of 2018, which was signed into law on December 31, 2018. “All Americans are beneficiaries of libraries,” the Senator said. “We are not individual islands—this is a connected system.” Emphasizing the critical nature of these partnerships, he went on to extol the Act’s legislative highlights in making libraries hubs for community involvement and providing crucial support for digital, financial, and other literacies, as well as fostering lifelong learning. Senator Reed also expressed his “special duty” as successor to the late Senator Claiborne Pell to support the IMLS, which he recognized as an important part of the Pell legacy.

    Dr. Matthew opened her talk by explaining why the Institute chose its “Transforming Communities” theme for its new Strategic Plan. Libraries must “turn inside out to connect with what your constituents feel is important,” she said, declaring that libraries should “work with the momentum of their communities—it’s not up to the IMLS to say what that is.” Therefore, she continued, that’s why the IMLS has a new mission to “advance, support, and empower America’s museums, libraries, and related organizations through grantmaking, research, and policy development.”

    Senator Reed, Dr. Matthew, CPL Director Ed Garcia, and Cranston Mayor Allan Fung

    Senator Reed, Dr. Matthew, CPL Director Ed Garcia, and Cranston Mayor Allan Fung

    (Photo Credit: Sarah Bouvier, CPL Library Communications Manager)

    The enthusiastic crowd was especially appreciative of Dr. Matthew’s announcement that all small states will now benefit from a reconfigured IMLS funding formula, with Rhode Island receiving $1,086,913 in 2019. She offered tips for applying for IMLS grants, which include reviewing the Institute’s Strategic Plan, forming meaningful community collaborations and partnerships, understanding the impact of projects (including how to both pilot and evaluate them), anchoring work in what’s already been discovered, and using known data and practice to take risks to evolve. Dr. Matthew also pointed her audience to the IMLS “Biscuits vs. Granola” blog post of June 18, 2018 for practical advice on “how practitioners can scale up a new idea.”

    In her conclusion, Dr. Matthew emphasized the need for efforts to “identify opportunities for further capacity- and skill-building” as an essential part of “understanding the social wellbeing impacts of the nation’s libraries and museums. ” A January 2017 “Community Catalyst” report is available online to help with this process.

    In the next segment of the program, during which library staff from around the state spoke about new projects and initiatives, Rhode Island Chief of Library Services Karen Mellor kicked things off by recognizing that “We are one of the handful of states that enshrines the right to library services in its Constitution” and by acknowledging that an “extensive network allows Rhode Island to move forward with innovative projects and respond to the needs of all library types.”

    Danielle Margarida of OLIS addresses the group

    Danielle Margarida of OLIS addresses the group

    (Photo Credit: Sarah Bouvier, CPL Library Communications Manager)

    Select speakers then spoke for a few minutes each about resourceful, transformative library projects and services happening in Rhode Island. These include:

    • The Office of Library and Information Services’ (OLIS) participation in the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) pilot cohort of Transforming Teen Services: A Train the Trainer Approach. Through this project, Danielle Margarida, OLIS Youth Services Coordinator, and Rebecca Ott, Tiverton Public Library Teen Librarian, have been trained to transform teen services by training teen librarians to feel more comfortable integrating connected learning and computational thinking into teen programs and services. The project is being implemented by YALSA in partnership with the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies and is funded by the IMLS.

    • The My Woonsocket Life Studio Rhode project at Woonsocket Public Library, described by Library Director Leslie Page as a means to “get people in the community thinking about community identity” through short videos in which patrons talk about the past, present, and future of the city.

    • The EXCITE Transformation for Libraries “boot camp” training program, in which several RI libraries (including teams from Bryant University, CPL, and Westerly Public Library) were joined by other library teams from around the Northeast to learn how to “reverse engineer” programming and services to better meet the needs of patrons. Julie Holden (Assistant Director, CPL), Maura Keating (Research and Instruction Librarian, Douglas and Judith Krupp Library, Bryant University), and Bill Lancelotta (Assistant Director, Westerly Public Library) described how the training provided valuable tools for refining the design thinking process and enabling library staff to connect with communities in new and exciting ways. Funding for the training is made possible by IMLS grant # RE-95-17-0068-17 in the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.

    • Using virtual reality to “bring” attractions to Providence Community Library (PCL) patrons, as discussed by Library Director Cheryl Space and IT Manager David Sok. Virtual Providence is a series of 360-degree video tours of cultural institutions in Providence created by local teens in the library.” PCL has also developed a Computer Builders program that teaches kids and teens how to build computers, which are then fitted with a plaque with their names and added to the computer lab. This is an ongoing program that began in 2017.

    Written by Zach Berger, RILA Communications

  • Wednesday, April 10, 2019 8:44 AM | Anonymous

    The Rhode Island Library Association is pleased to announce that our Annual Conference registration is now open! The 2019 RILA Conference is packed with fantastic keynotes, breakout sessions, poster presentations, and networking opportunities for all library types. Register now to lock in early-bird rates!


    RILA 2019: Get Informed!

    Bryant University, Smithfield, RI

    May 22nd & 23rd, 2019



    Conference Schedule

    Keynote speakers:

    G. Wayne Miller, Director, Story in the Public Square

    Wanda Brown, ALA President-Elect

    Michael A. Spikes, Consultant, News Media Literacy


    ​​Join your colleagues at the 2019 RILA Conference – we can’t wait to see you there!  Early-bird pricing ends May 10th, so don't delay, register today!

  • Sunday, February 10, 2019 6:11 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    New England Library Leadership Symposium Info Night

    Wednesday, February 20 at 6 pm

    Panera Bread, 4000 Chapel View Blvd in Cranston


    Are you looking to enhance your career with library leadership training? The New England Library Leadership Symposium (NELLS) is a five-day intensive training program designed to foster the mentoring and development of library leaders. Learn about this exciting opportunity for career and personal growth by attending the NELLS Info Night at the Chapel View Panera near Garden City in Cranston on Wed, Feb 20 at 6 pm. Speak with NELLS alum currently working in Rhode Island libraries and NELLS 2017 mentor, Dorothy Swain to gain insight on how this training benefited them and what you can get out of it.

    Email your NELA State Representative, Jessica D’Avanza to RSVP and/or for questions at: ri@nelib.org or jessicad@barringtonlibrary.org or find our Facebook event and let us know you are “going.”

    NELLS takes place every other year and this year’s Symposium will be held in North Andover, MA at the 
    Rolling Ridge Retreat & Conference Center from August 12 to 16, 2019. It is led by ALA past-president Maureen Sullivan and is a cooperative effort of the New England Library Association and all six New England state library associations. Applications with 3 letters of reference are being accepted through March 15. More information can be found here.

  • Monday, February 04, 2019 1:50 PM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Money Smart Week begins on March 30th! Still haven’t booked a program? The Financial Literacy Roundtable has compiled a list of contacts for financial education providers throughout the state to help you get started: Financial Literacy Program Resource List.

    We would love to help you promote your Money Smart Week events, so please submit them to flrt@rilibraries.org by Friday, March 1st. Events will be listed in our statewide calendar, posted to our Money Smart Week RI Facebook page (follow us there!), and promoted at our kick-off event.

    This year, FLRT is partnering with the Financial Planning Association of RI to host Financial Planning Day at the North Providence Public Library to kick off MSW. The event will take place on Saturday, March 30th from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm and is open to the public. Certified Financial Planners will provide free, one-on-one consultations with attendees, as well as present on Investing Basics and Real World Retirement Planning. Please find the flyer attached. Visit Eventbrite for details and to register.  

    RILA Financial Literacy Roundtable


  • Thursday, January 31, 2019 10:03 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    The Rhode Island Library Association (RILA) welcomes the School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI) into our organization as new RILA Section.

    “SLRI is excited to move forward and join forces with our colleagues across Rhode Island,” stated Lisa Girard, SLRI President. “We will be stronger together!”

    “RILA’s mission is to serve all librarians in our state and this collaboration will help us to further this goal”, says Kieran Ayton, President of RILA.

    SLRI is a professional organization representing school library media professionals and support staff working for school library media, computer, and instructional technology programs in Rhode Island.  The purpose of SLRI is to provide leadership and support for school library media professionals and support staff in the development, promotion, improvement, and evaluation of school library media, computer, and instructional technology programs in all Rhode Island schools. You can visit the SLRI website here.

    Members of all both organizations can now join or renew their Section memberships on the RILA website

    The Rhode Island Library Association (RILA) is a professional organization that serves its members through career development, education, advocacy, networking partnerships and legislative action. Through collaboration and community partnerships RILA will inspire and promote excellence in library services.  

  • Thursday, January 10, 2019 10:34 AM | Anonymous

    2019 RILA Conference: "Get Informed!"

    Join us for the 2019 Rhode Island Library Association Annual Conference

    on May 22nd & 23rd at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI.

    The 2019 RILA Conference will launch a statewide news literacy initiative, featuring engaging sessions on news and media literacy, civic education and democracy, and many other topics of interest to public, academic, school, and special librarians and library staff. We can't wait to see you at the conference! 

    Interested in presenting? Submit your proposal today! Conference proposals are due February 22nd.

    Sponsor & Exhibitor registration is now open! Please review our exhibitor package for details and contact conference@rilibraries.org with any questions.

  • Wednesday, January 02, 2019 12:57 PM | Anonymous

    Hello everyone,

    Happy New Year!

    Are you - or do you know - someone who is a new librarian looking for a mentor?  Please consider applying for this wonderful leadership opportunity through the New England Library Leadership Symposium (NELLS).

    RILA and OLIS contribute funding for mentors and mentees to participate in this five-day intensive training program designed to foster the mentoring and development of leaders in state and regional library associations. NELLS was created through a cooperative effort of the New England Library Association and all six New England state library associations.

    Please feel free to contact me with questions at president@rilibraries.org.

    The deadline for applications is March 15, 2019.

    Thank you,

    Kieran Ayton, RILA President

    Associate Professor

    Emerging Technologies Librarian

    Interim Head of Digital Initiatives

    Rhode Island College


    NELLS 2019 - Now Accepting Applications!

    View this email in your browser

    NELLS 2019

    August 12th - 16th
    Now Accepting Applications!




    The purpose of this five-day intensive training program is to foster the mentoring and development of leaders in state and regional library associations. NELLS was created through a cooperative effort of the New England Library Association and all six New England state library associations. NELLS has been held six times since its inception in 2003, most recently in 2017.

    NELLS 2019 is taking place August 12th – 16th, 2019 at the Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center, North Andover, MA.  The tuition/housing fee for 2019 is TBD.


    **To learn more about the 2019 NELLS event, please click HERE.**


    Mary Etter & Krista McLeod - NELLS Co-Chairs




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  • Tuesday, January 01, 2019 11:53 AM | RILA Communications (Administrator)

    Greetings from COLA’s new chair. I am excited to be coming on board at this ground-breaking moment in COLA’s history. COLA is one of two independent organizations that recently chose to join forces with RILA. In our case, the decision was made in order to amplify our advocacy efforts on behalf of all libraries in Rhode Island and to allow us to offer more educational workshops on how libraries transform lives. While RILA is comprised primarily of professional practitioners, COLA is a grassroots organization of community residents eager to preserve and expand library services in the state. Merging with RILA enables COLA to build its capacity to advocate and educate for all our libraries.

    Please visit COLA’s website and Facebook page (or follow us on Twitter) for additional information on our Coalition. We are in the process of moving our web presence to the RILA umbrella, and we will let you know as soon as that transition is complete. If you are interested in adding your voice in support of Rhode Island’s libraries, please consider joining us. To join COLA (or renew your membership), please visit the membership page.

    First you must join RILA at the membership level that best fits your employment status. If you are a practicing librarian, please select the salary level that best matches your income. Students, retirees, trustees and supporters can join at the $15 level. During the membership process, you will be able to join the COLA Section.

    Thank you, 

    Sharon A. Lux

"Rhode Island Library Association" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Rhode Island Library Association, P.O. Box 6765, Providence, RI 02940

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