RILA is partnering with Peer 2 Peer University to offer free facilitation training for Learning Circles—peer-led learning groups—and you are invited to join!
For more information on this initiative and to apply, please fill out this application. Applications are due by January 8, 2021.

In this virtual 5-part professional development training, experienced facilitators will share how to organize and support Learning Circles in your library, teach you how to hold productive conversations around sensitive topics, then support you as you run your first Learning Circle for library staff across Rhode Island based on the course How to Talk About Race. Best of all, you do not need to be an expert on any particular topic to be a facilitator.
The facilitator training is 5 weeks (One 90 minute session each week) and will take place the weeks of January 18 - February 15, 2021.
How To Talk About Race is a 4 week course and will be offered to the RI library community in April & May, 2021. Dates to be determined.
Learning facilitation skills is a great opportunity and member benefit for those RILA members who are looking to gain a professional edge. And, after you are trained, you can run Learning Circles in your library for your clientele. Many libraries are using the Learning Circle method (see past Los Angeles Public Library Learning Circles here).
For more information on this initiative and to apply, please fill out this application. Applications are due by January 8, 2021.
Learn more about learning circles:
What does a learning circle look like?
Tips for New Facilitators
Why are learning circles needed?
Intro to P2PU and learning circles