SLRI Awards - Wilfred Berube Award for Administrative Excellence
The Wilfred Berube Award for Administrative Excellence was initiated in 2000 to honor the memory of Wilfred Berube, the founder of the Rhode Island Educational Media Association (or RIEMA, now known as SLRI). The award is given to an outstanding Rhode Island K-12 school administrator who has provided considerable and sustained support to the development or enhancement of school library media programs in general and/or who regularly exhibits direct and positive support for and involvement with the library program at his or her school.
2024 Applications are now open!
- Who is eligible for this award? Any currently serving Rhode Island K-12 school administrator
- Who may nominate for this award? Any current SLRI member in good standing may make one nomination per school year
- When will the award be announced? At the RILA Annual Conference
- What form does the award take? Esteemed recognition on behalf of SLRI and a customized token of appreciation.
Submission Guidelines:
- The application must show that the nominee has provided considerable and sustained support to the development or enhancement of school library media program(s) at the school or district level, with substantial evidence of direct and positive involvement with the library's programs, services, and patrons.
- Applications are due by midnight on April 15, 2024.
- Descriptions of the winning entry may be posted to the SLRI website
- Incomplete or late entries will be disqualified
- At least 3 readers will review each application using the attached rubric.
- The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence as defined by the criteria and rubric posted above; SLRI reserves the right to withhold the award if submissions do not meet these requirements
- Please note that award eligibility, application, selection, and submission criteria may be changed at the discretion of the SLRI Awards Chair and/or the SLRI Executive Board.
Email questions about this award or about the nomination process to with “Berube Award” in the subject line.
Previous Recipients:
- 2024- Rebecca Klassen, Coordinator of World Languages and Biliteracy, Providence Public Schools
- 2022- Marisa Jackson, Principal, Woodridge Elementary School, Cranston, RI
- 2021-Michael Messore, Superintendent, Barrington School District
- 2017-Beth Cauley, Principal, George R. Hanaford Elementary School, East Greenwich, RI
- 2016-Dr. Patrick McGee, Superintendent, Woonsocket School District
- 2015-Michael Crudale, Principal, Park View Middle School, Cranston, RI
- 2011-Daniel Kelley, Smithfield High School, Smithfield, RI
- 2010-Dr. Davida Irving, Capt. Isaac Paine Elementary School, Foster, RI
- 2008-Armand Pires, McCourt Middle School, Cumberland, RI
- 2007-Dr. Fran Gallo, Former Providence Public Schools Administrator
- 2005-Dr. Arlene Chorney, RI Training School, Cranston, RI
- 2003-John Pini, Superintendent of Chariho Regional School District
- 2002-Ralph A. Malafronte, Superintendent of Barrington Public Schools
- 2001-Dr. Douglas Greenberg, B. Jae Clanton Complex, Providence, RI
- 2000-David Andrews, Principal, Narragansett High School, Narragansett, RI